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turning hand-built mastery into string instruments

For more than a half-century, the Pearl River Piano Group has evolved in producing the Pearl River, Ritmüller, Kayserburg brands of acoustic pianos and Pearl River brand digital pianos.

Now, after becoming the world’s best-selling piano brand, Pearl River has introduced a new line of string instruments that follow the centuries-old tradition of the famous Cremona School of construction, with the iconic Stradivari violin used as the main production template.

Pearl River luthiers rely on their experience in traditional Italian craftsmanship to produce instruments that offer beautiful shapes and lines along with deep, glowing finishes.

Pearl River Violin
Pearl River Violin

Careful attention is given to density and grain in the woods used in each Pearl River String instrument to ensure exceptional tonality and overall quality. The intermediate models are made from naturally air-dried wood that has been aged for five years, while premium hand-selected wood seasoned over 20 years is featured in the top line products.

All Pear River string instruments feature European sourced woods, Italian antique finishes, strings from world-renowned suppliers, and bridges that are hand-made in strict accordance with traditional methods. With each hand-built instrument requiring six months or even longer to complete, a Pearl River Violin, Viola or Cello is truly a worthy investment.

This dedication to quality results in sensitive voicing with broad dynamics, excellent tonal layering through the durable structure of the harp, which makes every note a memorable experience.

Pearl River Cello
Pearl River Violin